Monday 7 September 2009

Water and fire

One of the best days on Canary Islands was the one when we took a trip to Lanzarote island. The travel by fast boat was very refreshing. I even saw flying fish - for the first time in my life! But it was difficult to take a picture of them, as their colours are as blueish as the ocean :/
Lanzarote, as Fuerteventura, is a volcanic island. Lots of the ground here is covered with a thick layer of dried lava. These rocky fields and mountains (actually - active volcanoes!) have a whole variety of colours: black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green and grey. The guide told us also that these colours change depending on the season and the time of the day - the sun light changes its appearance in a nearly magical way...
The trip to National Park Timanfaya and the travel by a narrow, curvy path between active volcanos was thrilling!
During this trip we could also see green lagoon and boiling springs by the coast...
In the evening - chilling out in the pool :)

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