Tuesday 22 September 2009

New picture

Here it is, new background picture of the blog. I think it looks nice. It was taken in the first days of September, on the beach by Atlantic Ocean... Brings a lot of good memories. I think it's a good change. The previous picture was taken during a really nice winter day last year, in December, but it had a very symbolic meaning for me too. It was reminding of the difficult times we were going through, the toughest ones so far, I would say. The feeling of powerlessness I experienced back then was one of the worst I've ever got in my life.
I hope this picture will take sad memories away. Although, there are some things, from which you cannot run away, even if you forget about them. Next year a new battle for a new passport and a new visa will begin... I hope it only sounds so scary and in fact it will be much easier than I can imagine right now.

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