Saturday 1 January 2011


Wow, I simply can't believe that 2010 is already gone! I don't mean it went by sooo fast, but still... Such a nice year, even from its name and look, 2010... seems like a perfect number ;) And it's gone now!
It was a really good year I think. Lots of hard work and stressful moments as well, but in the end they only give more intensity to the sweet flavour of the good, happy times.
I have visited a couple of new places this year, which I consider a great achievement, because as much as I love travelling, I cannot afford just going wherever I want. I am a lucky girl - seeing Scotland and Greece for the first time and spending my birthday in Disneyland & re-discovering Paris :)
I also managed to finish my studies at Open University and now I am just waiting for the official letter/paper/document showing that I have been awarded Diploma in Religious Studies :) Unfortunately, I found out that I cannot become RE teacher that easily as I thought. It's something I rather cannot afford, considering the amount of time and money this requires (although I have MA degree, I would have to start all over again, because they want teachers just to have Bachelors' title... stupid but true!). I guess that if I want to follow my dreams and field of interest, I would have to think more about PhD... again, that's quite an investment, but if they show me green light in London (I could do PhD there at one university), I will definitely read it as a very important sign... If I just had the courage to write a couple of complicated emails and face my poor knowledge and great eagerness with their requirements!
At work it wasn't so bright, although it was fine I guess. These days I should be happy having a job :) I had very few chances to change something, I picked up every each one of them, but nothing happened in the end. I worked in three different teams, so I did face some variety and new challenges. I also became a coach and joined coaching network, which opened new ways of development for me. It's really a path to think about, an interesting alternative.

I think I did manage to work on myself a bit - inside as well as outside. But obviously there is a lot to be done yet, so some of my resolutions from the beginning of 2010 definitely remain the same for 2011 :)
Any new ones? Hmm... have to think about it. Making some decisions about my future career would be a good one, but quite blurred. I don't know how much I can really do in this area, too many things do not depend on me. But - I should not be discouraged by this, I know!

Easier options - keep on reading more and more, since I don't have any studies coming up this year (so far!). I love reading, so let's keep this rolling on :) I will start the year finishing Murakami's novel, then have a bit of E.E. Schmitt (I like evereything by him except his most popular story, "Oscar and the Lady in Pink", of which I think it's super-cheesy). Then I will move to something in English, and this will be one of Karen Armstrong's books, "The Case of God".
I would also love to travel a bit this year, and have my fingers crossed really strongly for some plans... Something I didn't even dream of... We will see what time brings.

Finally it might be a very exciting year for some personal reasons :)

I really loved 2010 and I will remember it with happiness in my heart. Let's have our hopes and dreams ready for 2011, it should be even better! :)


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