Saturday 20 November 2010


So many interesting things happened at work last week, that when my manager asked me about the bookings in my calendar for the next week, I was sadly surprised that there was nothing in it! Oh well, it cannot always be like that, but I so wish it was...
Except from getting involved - voluntarily - in different projects, I need to give myself some extra push towards changing my job profile for good... I know I can do it, probably I am somewhere half way already. If only I knew that in the end this could really happen! There is nothing "more" encouraging than a brick wall in the shape of budget cuts and no positions available in the role I aspire to...

Well, anyway, there's still perspective of some fun in the next two weeks - the competition about the childhood pictures has just begun! :)


Gosia said...

What kind of job profile is your aim? :-)) or it is a secret?

aguś said...

Naah, not a secret at all :) For now I would like to become Learning & Development Officer. What future will bring - nobody knows ;)