Monday 1 November 2010

A short story

Once there were was a Jewish couple who loved God with their whole hearts. They also had two sons, which they loved the most in the whole world. One day, when the father was praying in the synagogue and the mother was at home with the sons, the children got very sick and suddenly died. The mother put their bodies into their beds and covered with a blanket. When the father came back, he asked:
- Where are our sons
The mother said:
- Let's first have dinner, shall we?
After they ate, the father asked his wife again about their children. She replied:
- First I wanted to ask you about something. I have borrowed very precious items from someone and now they want me to return them. What should I do?
The father said:
- Obviously, you should return them to their owner.
Then the mother showed her husband the bodies of their dead children and said:
- God has given, God has taken back.

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