Friday 21 August 2009

They are back!

Yesterday my parents cam back from their holidays. This is a big deal, because they haven't been on real holidays, just the two of them, for a loooong time. This was like a second honeymoon for them! They flew a Greek island, where they sent nearly two weeks. They lived in a hotel by the seaside, and had breakfasts and dinners in the hotel restaurant, so my mum didn't have to worry about cooking, and my dad about driving around in a car. They spent lots of time on sunbathing and swimming in the sea, and sightseeing around. They came back very happy and relaxed. And brought so many beautiful pictures with them!
I am happy they finally got the holidays they needed for so long!

1 comment:

Vandad said...

The first picture deserves to become a wallpaper.