Saturday 15 August 2009

One more

A piece of good news for a good-night. Yesterday I had a short talk with my manager (my lovely, girly, 22-year old manager, heheh!)... But let's start where we should.
Last week, after our discussion about my "career" plans for the next two years, she said that she would consult her manager and would try to maybe organise some personal training or a kind of coaching for me, so I could develop my soft skills. I was surprised with this, but of course happy, as it's a great idea and it's very nice of her that she would like to at least try to do this (let's not be naive, there are lots of people in this company worth investing time and money...).
So, yesterday we had a short talk again, and on Monday I am having my first meeting with my coach! Yeay! I am sooo excited :)


Gosia said...

sounds really interesting! :))

Vandad said...

Yes very interesting.