Thursday, 25 August 2011

another movie experience

Today my movie choice turned out to be much better! I watched "One Day", which just came to the cinemas.
I haven't read the book, so I cannot judge the movie with the heaviness of reader's imagination and expectations... Sadly I guess, because although that would have made me a more demanding viewer and I might have not enjoyed it so much, now that I watched it first, when I reach for the book, I will have the scenes from the movie before my eyes. But on the other hand not reading the book and not hearing about the story ever before let me watch it and absorb it as a separate piece of art... and I liked it a lot!
I understand that British audience is appalled by Anne Hathaway's accent, but come on, that's not the main point of the story, is it? In the end, this what happened between the two, could have taken its place anywhere in the world...
I think the story is lovely, and I want to read the book as soon as I get it. I can then compare both and give my opinion about the movie in relation to the novel. But for now, I think that the movie itself is worthwhile - by taking us through the journey of growing up and through different life experiences, it shows how people can change, what transforms within them and what remains the same, how powerful are love, friendship, fear, loss.
And Jim Sturgess' look... oh it can kill sometimes! :)

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