About the airplane crash: Brazilian navies found first bodies of the victims of that terrible accident. Me, my beloved, and probably this rest of the world which actually cares about the whole thing, is now scared to death of flying...
About the wedding plans: I read that to be married in Catholic Church (which I was willing to do) with a person that is not baptized, I need a special dispensation from my bishop. That is because when marrying a non-Christian I cannot promise that I will raise my children in Catholic faith, as my husband has the same rights to decide about the values and beliefs we will share with our babies in the future. What's more, because of that "disability" in this kind of marriage, eventually it won't be treated as a relationship in sacrament anyway. So what is the point? Can't any priest just give us a blessing? Or maybe we are just not worth it? And who is to decide about it?
I appreciate the religious studies, which give me wider perspective to look at some problems...
Another thing about the wedding plans: apparently one year is not enough to make solid preparations and organize a dream-wedding. My beloved proposed to change the date to 2011. That gives us much more time to think about - how to get the money for the wedding, how to deal with formal problems, and whether we really want to get married...
About everyday life: I just realized it's 8 days to go home for some very much deserved holidays! I hope the weather will be fine and I will be able to relax a bit... Excluding my current fear of flying, it should be perfect :]
Sorki, że po polsku, ale zbyt trudne słownictwo by było po ang :-) małżeństwo w KK jest sakramentem, więc będzie ważne i prawdziwe (nierozerwalne itp.) dla Ciebie. Tak samo ważne i prawdziwe, gdybyś wyszła za katolika. Tak mi się wydaje. Powodzenia w decyzjach i nie zrażaj się formalnościami!
No wlasnie mi sie tez tak wydawalo, ale gdzies wyczytalam, ze taki zwiazek malzenski, nawet zawarty w KK, nie bedzie traktowany jako zwiazek sakramentalny :/ Musze poszperac wiecej na ten temat, albo zlapac w koncu naszego miejscowego polskiego ksiedza (bardzo zabiegany czlowiek, ma na glowie caly region!). Na pewno sie nie poddam :)
Now it is just 2 days to go home hm? Actually just one day :D
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