Going back to music. Today in the morning, by pure accident (my music player is set up on "shuffle") I listened to not heard for long time "Go your own way" by Fleetwood Mac... And now I cannot stop!
This song is maybe not especially soothing, because it's rather a sad one (definitely, in the end it's about a break-up, and on top of that "based on a true story", which was the end of the romantic relationship between the two singers), but to me - it's strangely energising and giving a weird, positive feeling. I think the reason of that might be the situation when I heard the song, or parts of it, for the first time, and the words "you can go your own way", as a separate, powerful sentence, accompanied by amazing music. Together with the time and place where I heard it, with the atmosphere surrounding and the thoughts fulfilling my life at that moment, the song sealed an unforgettable impression on my young heart.

Fleetwood Mac - amazing performance back from 1977. Enjoy this incredible music and simple, but so strong and truthful lyrics - click here (wow, this video was watched by nearly 4.5 million of people!).
Also found a more recent version - from 1997. Still a great band. Today you can barely find songs like this one...
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