Today we watched "Where The Wild Things Are" and I couldn't stop my tears by the end... We didn't know the book, so there was nothing to compare the movie to, and I think it's good. It definitely wasn't a story for childern, with simple happy ending and easily solved problems, with balck and white characters and straight-forward given lessons. I think this movie goes much deeper and although, as someone noticed, every character there is sad for most of the time,this should not to be a reason to label this movie as a depressing one. It is, first of all, beautifully made, amazing to watch, and secondly, but not less important, very wise and brain-awakening, so to say. Have a try, it's really worth it.
My very personal interpretation, of one of the aspects of this complex story - it's hard to love others, to create a loving group pf people (family or friends) and at the same time, respect their freedom and their choices, bearing in mind our own priorities and desires. It is almost impossible to make always everyone happy at the same time. We have to learn to compromise, to sacrifice, to understand and to accept...
What do you think?
I found two interesting reviews here and here.
And of course, a trailer. I wanted to post here a one-minute bit of the movie, but I couldn't...
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