Sunday, 29 March 2009

In 5 months...

Yes... Exactly in 5 months, on the 29th of August, right at this time we'll be flying high and far away for our fantastic, hot and sunny and exotic holidays! Now, as we sorted all the stuff, I can offically and proudly and happily annouce, that we are going - yes, we are - to Canary Islands! Our first dream-holiday (okay, actually second, last year we had a very special dream-holiday, who knows - knows!) is coming true and I am sure that these will be amazing days, which will give us lots of relax, laughter and interesting things to see and do...
We are going to Fuerteventura, beautiful eastern island, and we will stay on the north coast, near the great beaches. We can also visit two other islands, which are close enough to get there by boat in about half an hour. There is also a zoo on the island and a couple of camel farms, and old volcanos and mountians which we can climb... Can't wait really, but waiting for this awesome trip makes it even more exciting!
Oh, and here are some pictures from this dreamy place:

1 comment:

Alexi said...

Really nice pictures. The last picture looks like a big bowl of fire.