8th of March - which is in about a week time - is celebrated in my home country as a Women's Day. Sounds nice and sweet, but also a bit funny and strange. Indeed, why should we have only one day in a year to celebrate such a perfect kind of human being and to appreciate all the things women do for their men? ;) The truth is, this holiday was an idea born in the communistic period of my country's history. As one of the mottos of their social philosophy was involoving everyone in building bright future together, they started to treat women equally - when it comes to hard work! (literally, physical work, and also just work in a "job" meaning). To appreciate women's involvement, and also prove that actually they are not treated equally (because special treatment means that they do something unusual! ha!), the "government" decided to celebrate women's role in the society, by giving them flowers and chocolates on the 8th of March.
Thank God those times are over, but the holiday became a nice tradition, and still guys (at least those who watch the news or read newspapers on this day) remember say at least: Happy Women's Day, to their mothers, wives, girlfriends, daughters and friends.
Anyway, today in the morning the thought of Women's Day reminded me of one of these holidays back when I was in high school. I remember that on this day the weather was kinda sad. We went with my mum and my sister to walk by the seaside. I think it was Saturday. It was cloudy and foggy, the pavements were wet. Everything around was greyish, and we were walking by nearly empty streets. That day, to celebrate Women's Day, we went altogether to a small cinema to watch "Practical Magic", a movie with Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock. The movie was very girly indeed (no guy would like to watch it, believe me!), it was nice and sweet and somewhat magical (as it should), and made our day very bright from inside.
Just a small memory... As today is also cloudy :)
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
And the Oscar goes to...
Hurray! At least once in a while my dreams come true and the Academy Award goes to the right person :D This year I am the most happy to say that the award for the best actress was given to Kate Winslet, for her performance in a beautiful movie, "The Reader". I think Kate Winslet plays amazingly - here and in the other movies, such as "Revolutionary Road", which I mentioned a couple of days ago. Her characters are real, she can express their emotions and thoughts by even a little change of her face. She is extremely talented, but probably also incredibly hard working and determined. She loves what she's doing, she puts her whole heart into the roles she plays.
Congratulations Kate, you deserve this award...
And there's how happy was this fantastic actress in the first minutes of her triumph:
"The Reader" is great movie made by a great film director Stephen Daldry. The script was based on a novel written by Bernhard Schlink. As the other Daldry's movie, "The hours", it is created in a way that satisfies the audience equally from aesthetic, as well as this "deeper" perspective. The only word that comes to my mind to describe it is "beautiful":
Congratulations Kate, you deserve this award...
And there's how happy was this fantastic actress in the first minutes of her triumph:
"The Reader" is great movie made by a great film director Stephen Daldry. The script was based on a novel written by Bernhard Schlink. As the other Daldry's movie, "The hours", it is created in a way that satisfies the audience equally from aesthetic, as well as this "deeper" perspective. The only word that comes to my mind to describe it is "beautiful":
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Decisions to make part II
As I promised, now comes more serious part. The wedding dress is of course not the most crucial decision to make in my life in the near(est) future. First of all, my life is not only mine anymore, it is our life. And the shape we will give to this life, the way we will choose to follow, the decisions we will make have to be a result of conversation and exchange of our points of view, a comparison of our dreams and visions. It is one of the hardest tasks we receive in life, but if we resolve it in a good way, we will be very happy and that is the great reward I am willing to get!
Yesterday while walking down the streets, eating donuts, visiting shops in the search of gifts for my family, we were talking about our future and how do we want to manage it. The future always seems to be... in the future, but actually it is right behind the corner, it is nearly happening now, as the time is passing by constatntly... I think we both have a strong need of feeling safe and comfortable, and that is why my beloved would like to get us our own place to live as soon as possible. I understand him, and only if we could afford it without any efforts, I would agree for that straight away. But it is not that easy, when there is an effort to be made, and when we don't even know yet, how much this move is going to cost us, not only in a financial meaning. And, if I had to choose right now, I could not decide where actually I want to live...
My plans are to see as much of the world as possible - or at least a couple of "huge" places, which are far away, and not easy to explore, and in general - are usually not reachable for a family with a small kid and a mortgage to pay. This way of spending next year or two or three sounds crazy and somewhat risky, but I have a feeling we may not have another chance in life to do that. And maybe after going to Australia, New Zealand and the States, we would finally know where is our place on Earth? (of course there is a possibility that we won't find it being in these few countries, but still, we will have more chances to explore their neighbourhood...)
Ah, decisions...
Yesterday while walking down the streets, eating donuts, visiting shops in the search of gifts for my family, we were talking about our future and how do we want to manage it. The future always seems to be... in the future, but actually it is right behind the corner, it is nearly happening now, as the time is passing by constatntly... I think we both have a strong need of feeling safe and comfortable, and that is why my beloved would like to get us our own place to live as soon as possible. I understand him, and only if we could afford it without any efforts, I would agree for that straight away. But it is not that easy, when there is an effort to be made, and when we don't even know yet, how much this move is going to cost us, not only in a financial meaning. And, if I had to choose right now, I could not decide where actually I want to live...
My plans are to see as much of the world as possible - or at least a couple of "huge" places, which are far away, and not easy to explore, and in general - are usually not reachable for a family with a small kid and a mortgage to pay. This way of spending next year or two or three sounds crazy and somewhat risky, but I have a feeling we may not have another chance in life to do that. And maybe after going to Australia, New Zealand and the States, we would finally know where is our place on Earth? (of course there is a possibility that we won't find it being in these few countries, but still, we will have more chances to explore their neighbourhood...)
Ah, decisions...
Decisions to make...
Okay, there are some serious thoughts coming with this post, but in the first part of it - let's have some fun :) Next week I have an appointment and I will be trying on some wedding dresses... Yes, I have never really thought about it, I didn't realize that it would actually happen... And here I am. With a couple of dresses I chose from a couple of hundreds, I am trying to make uo my mind. What do you think, which one is the best, the most original, the most special, or just the cutest? I am waiting for your votes in/and comments, and here are the options:
1. let's call it Flowery dress. I think it is very original and comfy:

2. on the website I found this one, it is called Hindu:

3. this is Rizo, princess' kind:

4. this is Hawai, quite simple, but classy I think:

5. and this is Saboya - I like the sleeves a lot:

So, what do you think? :D
PS All the pics were found on this website: www.pronovias.com
1. let's call it Flowery dress. I think it is very original and comfy:

2. on the website I found this one, it is called Hindu:

3. this is Rizo, princess' kind:

4. this is Hawai, quite simple, but classy I think:

5. and this is Saboya - I like the sleeves a lot:

So, what do you think? :D
PS All the pics were found on this website: www.pronovias.com
Thursday, 19 February 2009
All the colours of the rainbow
The week has gone so fast... Well, actually it has been a long one for me :/ I'm constantly tired and bored with the same things I have to do every day. I miss sunshine and the warmth of springtime. I miss long bright days and spontaneus jumps out. Suprisingly, I found myself craving for more gym-time - apparently, I find it refreshing and di-stressing. And, physical activities (even cleaning, but I prefer sport!) produce the hormones that make human's mood better... Isn't this woman's intuiton? Naah, it's just rational thinking. At least I know that by going to the gym I keep my body fit and healthy, and I am not wasting time sitting in front of the computer screen:P and eating everyhing I can find in the kitchen...
Anyway, tomorrow's Friday, today I am going to the cinema, and we have Fat Thursday today! So I have the right to treat myself with a tasty (but not as delicious as Polish) donut...
Anyway, tomorrow's Friday, today I am going to the cinema, and we have Fat Thursday today! So I have the right to treat myself with a tasty (but not as delicious as Polish) donut...
Friday, 13 February 2009
For those who know and like Sam Mendes and his "American Beauty", this movie is a must. For those who don't, but still are a demanding audience, again this movie is a must. The story and the characters are created perfectly, and the couple of actors amazes me with their talents. The movie is enormously interesting and thrilling to the bone, of course if you are interested in human's nature, problems in relationships and difficult choices everyone has to make to decide how to lead their life... Sam Mendes very accurately exposes the reasons of both April and Frank. And, at least for me, it was not easy just to take one's side. I absolutely understand April's need to break free, but I also can accept Frank's fears about the future and the risk that has to be taken.
One thing I do not understand - and it's not about the movie actually - is why "Revolutionary Road" was treated so poorly at the nominations to Oscars? I agree that it is far from a masterpiece, but comparing to other movies, who got the nomiantions, it is really worth receiving the title of the best movie of the year. Maybe once again I just have to admit, that Oscar is an award, whose criteria are ruled by Hollywood and its needs, not by the taste of demanding movie-monsters like me. What a pity :P
Lucky or not?
Today is Friday the 13th. To be honest, nothing bad or unlucky happened to me on that date, ever. At least I don't remember, and probably I would. Do you belive that this particular date might bring luck or misery?
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Carried by positive energy...
I finished my first essay for the University course I am doing this year. My come back to academic studying is a huge achievement, hehe, and a challenge as well, because I don't think that working full time and studying in a foreign language is too easy... Today I sent the essay to my tutor for checking. I'm a bit stressed, but thinking positively.
Yesterday I woke up at 4.30 in the morning and at 6.00am we were in a bus to London to pay a visit to my country's consulate and apply for a multiple visit visa. As we had all the documents required, we can sleep peacefully now and come back for the passport with the new visa in a month time. It will be valid from 15. March, till the beginning of the next year! That means lots of comfort in travelling, and lots of fun...
Today I got plane tickets, and yes, in the end of March we are going there for four days! I am very happy, my beloved as well. A short break is always good to refresh mind, body and spirit :D Tonight I was on the phone with my mum, and just before we finished our conversation I asked her to put down in the calendar, that it would be nice if anyone could pick us from the airport!
I feel I am carried by positive energy, and being tired or sleepy or busy does not interrupt my good mood. I know that the source, where this energy comes from, is deep and infinite. I know where to reach when I will start feeling down. It's pure and everlasting, and that is why I am not worried about the future. The thing I might be worried about though, is for example how to find some time to learn all the things about my brand new, little, light and smart video camera - my Valentine present, best ever! Now I can make next of my great dreams come true - I will be a film maker :D
Yesterday I woke up at 4.30 in the morning and at 6.00am we were in a bus to London to pay a visit to my country's consulate and apply for a multiple visit visa. As we had all the documents required, we can sleep peacefully now and come back for the passport with the new visa in a month time. It will be valid from 15. March, till the beginning of the next year! That means lots of comfort in travelling, and lots of fun...
Today I got plane tickets, and yes, in the end of March we are going there for four days! I am very happy, my beloved as well. A short break is always good to refresh mind, body and spirit :D Tonight I was on the phone with my mum, and just before we finished our conversation I asked her to put down in the calendar, that it would be nice if anyone could pick us from the airport!
I feel I am carried by positive energy, and being tired or sleepy or busy does not interrupt my good mood. I know that the source, where this energy comes from, is deep and infinite. I know where to reach when I will start feeling down. It's pure and everlasting, and that is why I am not worried about the future. The thing I might be worried about though, is for example how to find some time to learn all the things about my brand new, little, light and smart video camera - my Valentine present, best ever! Now I can make next of my great dreams come true - I will be a film maker :D
Monday, 9 February 2009
My first book by Haruki Murakami
A couple of days ago I finished reading one of the books written by Haruki Murakami. Since this Japanese novelist is recently very popular across the world, and even received Franz Kafka Prize for one of his books, I was very curious what kind of writer he is and whether I could find in his novels something for myself. So one of my Christmas presents this year (or rather last year) was one of the novels written by Murakami, "South of the Border, West of the Sun".

I must say that my attitude to Murakami's literature was changing during getting through his story. At the beginning I was glad to discover his easily accesible way of writing, yet still interesting and - as I hoped - not shallow. Somewhere in the middle of the story, however, I started to dislike the main character. He seemed to be pretentious and egoistic, being at the same time probably the "good" character in his world. At the very end I discovered, that this simple story brings undoubtedly much more than a picture of complicated emotional life of middle-aged wealthy Japanese businessman, who still desires his first love - a childhood friend.
Of course I won't say what happens, if you want to know - read it :) But I guess I was really surprised how Murakami finished the story. On one hand there is a feeling of righteousness and some kind of a moral relief (does it make any sense? anyway, this is how I felt it). On the other, there's a delicate sound of sadness and melancholy, a sound of regret for the time passing by, which doesn't allow us to change things from the past and gives us questions about our destiny and human possibilities in one earthly life...
I must say that my attitude to Murakami's literature was changing during getting through his story. At the beginning I was glad to discover his easily accesible way of writing, yet still interesting and - as I hoped - not shallow. Somewhere in the middle of the story, however, I started to dislike the main character. He seemed to be pretentious and egoistic, being at the same time probably the "good" character in his world. At the very end I discovered, that this simple story brings undoubtedly much more than a picture of complicated emotional life of middle-aged wealthy Japanese businessman, who still desires his first love - a childhood friend.
Of course I won't say what happens, if you want to know - read it :) But I guess I was really surprised how Murakami finished the story. On one hand there is a feeling of righteousness and some kind of a moral relief (does it make any sense? anyway, this is how I felt it). On the other, there's a delicate sound of sadness and melancholy, a sound of regret for the time passing by, which doesn't allow us to change things from the past and gives us questions about our destiny and human possibilities in one earthly life...
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Movie that made my day
Whether you are single or in a relationship, whether you are struggling to find someone or to change the commitments you got into, whether you are absolutely happy or have doubts about your choices, watch this movie. It's funny, it's smart, it's moving. I know what I'm saying. I watch lots of movies and I don't like cheesy ones.
So is it Valentine's Day, or just some time off to chill out, or only two hours between very important things you really have to do, go to the cinema and check it yourself.
So is it Valentine's Day, or just some time off to chill out, or only two hours between very important things you really have to do, go to the cinema and check it yourself.
Time after time...
We are getting busy... I like it - doing many different things, having things to do. Makes me feel that I really do live, that I don't waste my precious time and do somethingg in my life. And, I appreciate much more all these moments of sweet lazyness, which I can afford :)
On Friday, after a long break, we finally hit the gym. It felt really good to be there again. And we also had a nice game of squash, so - back on track!
Yesterday I have nearly commited a spiritual suicide by waking up early (on Saturday!!! for hard working people, like me, Saturday should be 48 hours long!). But I managed to survive and to get to my first tutorial in East Croydon. Nothing special I have to admit. But not bad either. It turned out to be nice and informative, very useful. I hope to get to know better the guys in my group. The tutor is also fine. Now I have to write my essay and start my adventure with the first huge book - how exciting! (yes, it IS exciting!)
In the evening we had an awesome time with my beloved. At about midnight it was exactly a year since we decided to take up that challenge and try to be together. Did it work? Bah, what a question! I cannot say it works perfectly, as nothing is perfect in this world, but it's close to be perfect and I am so proud of us. The most important is, I think, that we still care about each other as much as a year ago. And, that we learned so much from each other during this year and it turned out to be good for our relationship - it made it stronger and wiser instead of tearing us apart...
On Friday, after a long break, we finally hit the gym. It felt really good to be there again. And we also had a nice game of squash, so - back on track!
Yesterday I have nearly commited a spiritual suicide by waking up early (on Saturday!!! for hard working people, like me, Saturday should be 48 hours long!). But I managed to survive and to get to my first tutorial in East Croydon. Nothing special I have to admit. But not bad either. It turned out to be nice and informative, very useful. I hope to get to know better the guys in my group. The tutor is also fine. Now I have to write my essay and start my adventure with the first huge book - how exciting! (yes, it IS exciting!)
In the evening we had an awesome time with my beloved. At about midnight it was exactly a year since we decided to take up that challenge and try to be together. Did it work? Bah, what a question! I cannot say it works perfectly, as nothing is perfect in this world, but it's close to be perfect and I am so proud of us. The most important is, I think, that we still care about each other as much as a year ago. And, that we learned so much from each other during this year and it turned out to be good for our relationship - it made it stronger and wiser instead of tearing us apart...
Friday, 6 February 2009
And so, the holidays are over. The other day I was rushing to work (I think it was actually after saying Good-bye to my family) and thinking that my random everydayness was a holiday time for my parents and my brother. And I, I would be more than happy to spend my holidays just in the way they live their everyday life... It's weird maybe, but also shows how easily people can make each other happy. How little they need to be happy and have a "holiday" time. Just each other. And some different space around, some break in their standard schedule of activities and responsibilities. No special events are required. As my mum said - sometimes it's enough just to be.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Goes so fast...
And so it's the last day - tomorrow my family is going back home... The time passed us by so fast! I am looking forward to our last supper together tonight - hope we'll have fun!
Yesterday, after a quite tiring trip to London, we spent a really nice evening. My beloved surprised us all with a great supper and later we watched a movie altogether.
I also got a bunch of beautiful, pink roses from him. Just because they were freezing, standing near the shop's door, and probably I would like to "save" them. Haven't had flowers here for a while... feels so good to have them again on the table...
Must take a picture of them!
Yesterday, after a quite tiring trip to London, we spent a really nice evening. My beloved surprised us all with a great supper and later we watched a movie altogether.
I also got a bunch of beautiful, pink roses from him. Just because they were freezing, standing near the shop's door, and probably I would like to "save" them. Haven't had flowers here for a while... feels so good to have them again on the table...
Must take a picture of them!
Monday, 2 February 2009
Let it snow...
On the first day of February it was snowing a bit... On the second day of February the snow was still around and - it is snowing still! Everything is covered with whiteness... It looks so clean and so bright, although the sky is grey and heavy... It feels so peaceful and quiet, although the buses' service is not working and people have to run to work :) Our street is totally snowed in and I love it :)

Sunday, 1 February 2009
First day of February
And so, with my family by my side, with happiness and relief, I am getting into a new month... And today turned out to be also this one day in a year, when it snows in England! Beautiful little white flakes were moving around in the air since early afternoon... And it didn't stop till late evening! I wonder what I'm going to see in the morning...
We also went bowling tonight, and had great fun! It was the very first game of my beloved, and he won! Awesomeness, as he says :)
We also went bowling tonight, and had great fun! It was the very first game of my beloved, and he won! Awesomeness, as he says :)
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