"Tangled" is Disney's 50th animated motion picture. Wow. 50 Disney movies created in about 50 years... What's the whole era of children's favourite cartoon stories! Which ones have you seen?
The ones I remember the best are obviously from the time when I was a kid - although saying that, I have to underline that the period of time I have mind extends between about my fifth year of life and my fifteenth year of life, which makes quite a decade :) But who doesn't love Disney?
Monday, 31 January 2011
Thursday, 27 January 2011
I don't like Thursdays these days. And it will be like this for at least the next two months. And that's all because of my beloved having his Polish classes until late, and coming back home very late - after 10pm! Well, I cannot deny, I am extremely happy for him learning the language he wanted to learn for a long time now... :) He definitely has a talent for languages and improving his skills will bring many benefits... But it's such a pity that the course has to be in London :/
In the meantime I realised that just in a week time my brother will be here - coming for a short visit :) I didn't even think that the 3rd of February was so close when last weekend I was booking train and bus tickets for him! I hope we will have a good time together, more important - that he will have a good time and do all the things he planned for those few days.
Also, it's hard to believe, but my blog is just over two years old now! So thank you everyone for reading it, whether often or rarely :)))
In the meantime I realised that just in a week time my brother will be here - coming for a short visit :) I didn't even think that the 3rd of February was so close when last weekend I was booking train and bus tickets for him! I hope we will have a good time together, more important - that he will have a good time and do all the things he planned for those few days.
Also, it's hard to believe, but my blog is just over two years old now! So thank you everyone for reading it, whether often or rarely :)))
Monday, 24 January 2011
black and white

The movie was good indeed, very good. Thrilling, sometimes even scary, so I had to cover my eyes ;) Natalie was at her best, really an extraordinary performance, and she definitely is the Oscar winner this year.
The audio-visual side of the movie was also incredibly beautiful and emotional. The growing tension and main character's drowning into chaos and insanity are perfectly expressed in the shaky, sometimes slightly blurred pictures, the game of dark and bright colours.
Nina, played by Portman, tries to open herself for the new, double role she is going to play - the white and the black swan. The road though turns out to be self-destructive: on one hand, Nina aims to be perfect and she seems to be able to do everything to reach the very top of her capabilities. On the other, however, searching for and exploring her dark, sensual, limitless side means leaving her true, innocent image behind and changing herself forever. Sacrifice of the self, laid down on the altar of the ambition of the same self...
I guess my expectations might have been a tiny bit too big, because I felt a little disappointed in the end. But only a tiny bit though. I guess I need more time to think about the story and the way it was told.
All in all, a very powerful picture. Worth seeing.

Oh yes, and the trailer:
Thursday, 20 January 2011
While my beloved stays longer in the city today and will come back late in the evening (because he starts his Polish classes, yay!), I decided to, after doing some cleaning here and there in the flat, rest on the sofa and indulge myself into the new book... Karen Armstrong's "The Case For God" is something I wanted to read a while ago already, but I could never find the time. First I had to finish my studies, then I wanted to read all the other books that were waiting my special "queue" before "The Case For God". So finally...
I guess it will take me a while to get through this book, 300 pages filled with tiny lines... but it's so rewarding already, from the start! The attitude, the approach, the healthy, objective position, consideration of all viewpoints... all this clicks perfectly with my own ideas. The difference is that Karen Armstrong is much wiser than me :) So hopefully her book will bring me stronger grounds to step on.
I guess it will take me a while to get through this book, 300 pages filled with tiny lines... but it's so rewarding already, from the start! The attitude, the approach, the healthy, objective position, consideration of all viewpoints... all this clicks perfectly with my own ideas. The difference is that Karen Armstrong is much wiser than me :) So hopefully her book will bring me stronger grounds to step on.
Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Yesterday we finished our lemon therapy - quite an achievement! My Mum talked us into it, explaining how beneficial it is for our health. And so in ten days each one of us (me and my beloved) drank juice made from thirty lemons! It was hard at times, because the amount of juice was growing day after day... After all I feel very well, filled with vitamin C and lots of other good stuff. I think I will still have one or two lemons sometimes, for example I can add the juice to my bottle with water when I go to the gym :)
Monday, 17 January 2011
So it's Blue Monday today - apparently, according to some scientists, the most depressing day of the day. For me, however, this didn't make any difference. I guess it is like with Friday the 13th - nothing ever happens to me on that "special" day.
Blue Monday was actually quite graceful for me, because while coming back from work I realised that for the first time this year it was still quite bright outside about 5.00pm. The blue sky, though covered partly with heavy dark rain clouds, really cheered me up. S
Blue Monday was actually quite graceful for me, because while coming back from work I realised that for the first time this year it was still quite bright outside about 5.00pm. The blue sky, though covered partly with heavy dark rain clouds, really cheered me up. S
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Sadly I have to say that bad impressions and feelings can remain with me for a long time. The deeper something touches me, the stronger mark it leaves and doesn't let to forget about itself.
That's how it was (or rather still IS) with the disappointment and some kind of, I guess, disgust, I experienced a week ago on a Sunday mass. During the sermon our priest wanted to picture Christianity as a religion of life. However his short story didn't do a good job, at least not for me, and I am not sure how others felt about it. Basically, intentionally or not, Islam has been compared to something dead. The last words of the story, which were supposed to be the words of wisdom told by a Christian to a Muslim, were something like: "our religion is about life, yours is in a coffin". This was with reference to the coffin of Mohammad, Muslims' most important prophet, which apparently has its place in Mecca, the holy city for Muslims and the destination of Hajj, their most important pilgrimage. (there were not so many details, I just put them here for your convenience ;))
Not even getting into the whole issue of how incorrect and inappropriate this comment was - because Islam is not dead, it is not about death, and they do believe, like Christians, in everlasting life in paradise - I don't understand how a person clearly aspiring to, and trying to be a spiritual leader and a guide was able to say something so offending about any religion. I was literally shocked. Where is love and respect? Where is this famous Christian humility, not getting on the heights and into the first rows?
As a Christian, I am ashamed for those who aim to represent me and others by saying such things. I really don't want MY spiritual guide to be like that, and I am deeply sorry for all the people who listen to those like him with respect and attention. If they truly keep his words in their minds and hearts as wisdom, no surprise people of different beliefs hate each other more and more. So so sad.
That's how it was (or rather still IS) with the disappointment and some kind of, I guess, disgust, I experienced a week ago on a Sunday mass. During the sermon our priest wanted to picture Christianity as a religion of life. However his short story didn't do a good job, at least not for me, and I am not sure how others felt about it. Basically, intentionally or not, Islam has been compared to something dead. The last words of the story, which were supposed to be the words of wisdom told by a Christian to a Muslim, were something like: "our religion is about life, yours is in a coffin". This was with reference to the coffin of Mohammad, Muslims' most important prophet, which apparently has its place in Mecca, the holy city for Muslims and the destination of Hajj, their most important pilgrimage. (there were not so many details, I just put them here for your convenience ;))
Not even getting into the whole issue of how incorrect and inappropriate this comment was - because Islam is not dead, it is not about death, and they do believe, like Christians, in everlasting life in paradise - I don't understand how a person clearly aspiring to, and trying to be a spiritual leader and a guide was able to say something so offending about any religion. I was literally shocked. Where is love and respect? Where is this famous Christian humility, not getting on the heights and into the first rows?
As a Christian, I am ashamed for those who aim to represent me and others by saying such things. I really don't want MY spiritual guide to be like that, and I am deeply sorry for all the people who listen to those like him with respect and attention. If they truly keep his words in their minds and hearts as wisdom, no surprise people of different beliefs hate each other more and more. So so sad.
Saturday, 15 January 2011
soft-boiled morning
Last Saturday our morning was busy and rushed, and we had our breakfast on the train to London. Today the morning was slow and easy going. I have to admit that I love both. I couldn't live without any of those two. I need to feel the urgency of things to happen, I need to be excited and busy, I love going away from the routine, from home... But I couldn't take it all the time. I equally love the feeling of not having to do anything "right now", sitting in the cosy living room and being able to celebrate delicious breakfast at 11.00 in the morning.
Today was one of those lazy mornings...
My breakfast - yummy! Also reminded me of the eggs my Mum made for us during the Christmas break :)
Today was one of those lazy mornings...
My breakfast - yummy! Also reminded me of the eggs my Mum made for us during the Christmas break :)
moving fast
Woha, half of the first month of the new year nearly gone!
Going back to reality after a sweet break is always difficult... my solution - keep yourself busy, give it a speedy start. Have things worth waiting for, things to do, places to go, music to listen to, movies to see, people to meet, projects to start (or finish).
It was really good that after the first week back at work we could get away on Saturday to London theatre :) The musical was amazing, and I have to admit, I think I have never sat sooo high!
Will put a picture here soon!
Here it is:

After the theatrical feast we went for a nice dinner. Yes, of course, to our favourite Indian restaurant. I never thought I would like curry stuff so much. Maybe it's just the way they make it there? Grand thali with prawn malai is heaven for my mouth and stomach :)
Going back to reality after a sweet break is always difficult... my solution - keep yourself busy, give it a speedy start. Have things worth waiting for, things to do, places to go, music to listen to, movies to see, people to meet, projects to start (or finish).
It was really good that after the first week back at work we could get away on Saturday to London theatre :) The musical was amazing, and I have to admit, I think I have never sat sooo high!
Will put a picture here soon!
Here it is:
After the theatrical feast we went for a nice dinner. Yes, of course, to our favourite Indian restaurant. I never thought I would like curry stuff so much. Maybe it's just the way they make it there? Grand thali with prawn malai is heaven for my mouth and stomach :)
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Wow, I simply can't believe that 2010 is already gone! I don't mean it went by sooo fast, but still... Such a nice year, even from its name and look, 2010... seems like a perfect number ;) And it's gone now!
It was a really good year I think. Lots of hard work and stressful moments as well, but in the end they only give more intensity to the sweet flavour of the good, happy times.
I have visited a couple of new places this year, which I consider a great achievement, because as much as I love travelling, I cannot afford just going wherever I want. I am a lucky girl - seeing Scotland and Greece for the first time and spending my birthday in Disneyland & re-discovering Paris :)
I also managed to finish my studies at Open University and now I am just waiting for the official letter/paper/document showing that I have been awarded Diploma in Religious Studies :) Unfortunately, I found out that I cannot become RE teacher that easily as I thought. It's something I rather cannot afford, considering the amount of time and money this requires (although I have MA degree, I would have to start all over again, because they want teachers just to have Bachelors' title... stupid but true!). I guess that if I want to follow my dreams and field of interest, I would have to think more about PhD... again, that's quite an investment, but if they show me green light in London (I could do PhD there at one university), I will definitely read it as a very important sign... If I just had the courage to write a couple of complicated emails and face my poor knowledge and great eagerness with their requirements!
At work it wasn't so bright, although it was fine I guess. These days I should be happy having a job :) I had very few chances to change something, I picked up every each one of them, but nothing happened in the end. I worked in three different teams, so I did face some variety and new challenges. I also became a coach and joined coaching network, which opened new ways of development for me. It's really a path to think about, an interesting alternative.
I think I did manage to work on myself a bit - inside as well as outside. But obviously there is a lot to be done yet, so some of my resolutions from the beginning of 2010 definitely remain the same for 2011 :)
Any new ones? Hmm... have to think about it. Making some decisions about my future career would be a good one, but quite blurred. I don't know how much I can really do in this area, too many things do not depend on me. But - I should not be discouraged by this, I know!
Easier options - keep on reading more and more, since I don't have any studies coming up this year (so far!). I love reading, so let's keep this rolling on :) I will start the year finishing Murakami's novel, then have a bit of E.E. Schmitt (I like evereything by him except his most popular story, "Oscar and the Lady in Pink", of which I think it's super-cheesy). Then I will move to something in English, and this will be one of Karen Armstrong's books, "The Case of God".
I would also love to travel a bit this year, and have my fingers crossed really strongly for some plans... Something I didn't even dream of... We will see what time brings.
Finally it might be a very exciting year for some personal reasons :)
I really loved 2010 and I will remember it with happiness in my heart. Let's have our hopes and dreams ready for 2011, it should be even better! :)
It was a really good year I think. Lots of hard work and stressful moments as well, but in the end they only give more intensity to the sweet flavour of the good, happy times.
I have visited a couple of new places this year, which I consider a great achievement, because as much as I love travelling, I cannot afford just going wherever I want. I am a lucky girl - seeing Scotland and Greece for the first time and spending my birthday in Disneyland & re-discovering Paris :)
I also managed to finish my studies at Open University and now I am just waiting for the official letter/paper/document showing that I have been awarded Diploma in Religious Studies :) Unfortunately, I found out that I cannot become RE teacher that easily as I thought. It's something I rather cannot afford, considering the amount of time and money this requires (although I have MA degree, I would have to start all over again, because they want teachers just to have Bachelors' title... stupid but true!). I guess that if I want to follow my dreams and field of interest, I would have to think more about PhD... again, that's quite an investment, but if they show me green light in London (I could do PhD there at one university), I will definitely read it as a very important sign... If I just had the courage to write a couple of complicated emails and face my poor knowledge and great eagerness with their requirements!
At work it wasn't so bright, although it was fine I guess. These days I should be happy having a job :) I had very few chances to change something, I picked up every each one of them, but nothing happened in the end. I worked in three different teams, so I did face some variety and new challenges. I also became a coach and joined coaching network, which opened new ways of development for me. It's really a path to think about, an interesting alternative.
I think I did manage to work on myself a bit - inside as well as outside. But obviously there is a lot to be done yet, so some of my resolutions from the beginning of 2010 definitely remain the same for 2011 :)
Any new ones? Hmm... have to think about it. Making some decisions about my future career would be a good one, but quite blurred. I don't know how much I can really do in this area, too many things do not depend on me. But - I should not be discouraged by this, I know!
Easier options - keep on reading more and more, since I don't have any studies coming up this year (so far!). I love reading, so let's keep this rolling on :) I will start the year finishing Murakami's novel, then have a bit of E.E. Schmitt (I like evereything by him except his most popular story, "Oscar and the Lady in Pink", of which I think it's super-cheesy). Then I will move to something in English, and this will be one of Karen Armstrong's books, "The Case of God".
I would also love to travel a bit this year, and have my fingers crossed really strongly for some plans... Something I didn't even dream of... We will see what time brings.
Finally it might be a very exciting year for some personal reasons :)
I really loved 2010 and I will remember it with happiness in my heart. Let's have our hopes and dreams ready for 2011, it should be even better! :)
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