There won't be too much of a discovery in this post. I love Fridays! I love sunshine which calls for a beautiful weekend! And I love paydays although I try not to spend too much! :) Today is even more happy, because on top of having this all, we got some good news - my beloved signed his contract for permanent employment. Sooo - we are celebrating! We went to this nice Italian restuarant, had some delicious vine and a great dinner... and even ice cream (me) and tiramisu (him) for dessert...
If only this weekend could be a bit longer... There is so much I want to do and I have to do. And so little time! I am going on holidays in a week time so I need to think what I have to take and pack my stuff, there's another essay to write (BEFORE my holidays, because I really don't want to spoil them!), there's beautiful weather, which doesn't happen too often, there's football stuff going on and gets more and more interesting, there's my best friend leaving for good, quite far away, so we have to say a proper "good-bye"...
I am not a huge fan of football, but I enjoy watching the World Cup. The games between the best teams in the world are exciting :) And, as we could already find out this year, they can be also very suprising! Watching a football game in an English pub is an interesting experience. England has one of the strongest teams in the world - maybe not as good as Brazil, Spain or France, but with real chances to win or at least to get quite high. The experience becomes even more interesting when England is playing against a team that is potentially weaker and easy to win over. Today I witnessed so much frustration and disappointment around me... and I must say, that does sound far more bitter than the frustration I used to hear in my country. Our national dreams about football are always huge, but our expectations are quite realistic - we never got far in football, at least not in the recent years. And as long as we wish we could play better and before every game we pray for luck, I guess for England not winning with the USA and with Algeria is like falling from a much higher ladder - more painful. And I am actually relieved that I am not British, and I can observe the games with a bit calmer attitude and more objectivity :)
It seems like the only effective method for English players not to lose a goal from Algerian team was to pull their shirts or pants!
Okay, first of all... I was a bit worried that since I changed the outlook of the blog, nobody visited it... It took me two or three days to figure out that actually I haven't changed all my settings!
Secondly - job hunting, moving, and the whole emotional rollercoaster connected with that... Well, recently I checked one of my job-searching accounts online and I have applied for over 50 roles already... and that was from only one of the websites I signed up on! Comparing to the number of job interviews (none!) that is quite depressing, you have to admit... But I have no other choice but trying and trying more.
Some cool news - which made me really excited yesterday! One my favourite artists, a singer, musician, songwriter and composer, after ten years of silence comes back with a new album... Literally I cannot wait to get it! To put my hands on it, play it and listen... Indulge myself in thoughtful, poetic lyrics and amazing, extraordinary voice... I think I will have to fly to my home country on the first day when the album is in shops! (the artist is Polish and, like the vast majority, not known abroad)
One of few songs in English...
And one my favourites in Polish (although it was hard to choose...)
Some sad news - my summer break at home won't be perfect, not even very happy, because my beloved cannot go with me... So this one might be a pretty lonely one... If I knew, I would not decide go for the whole eleven days! :( But well, maybe this will turn for good for both of us - in the end we also need a break from each other ;) I hope for the weather to be nice, I really miss 30 degrees' heat. My thoughts cling to days spent on the beach, girly shopping time, strawberries for dinner, and long talks in the evenings...
I don't remember what else I wanted to write...
Today I made first greek salad this year. I wanted to take a picture, but it was completely gone before I brought the camera to the kitchen. I have salad monster at home! ;)
So, how do you like the new look? I've always liked trees in bloom, and as a little girl I used to grab these delicate white flowers and bring them home to keep their smell and fragile beauty around me... And the colour of the sky is the most effective source of peace for me...
Friday, 11 June 2010
Well yes. Haven't written here for a long while. Life goes forward with a fast pace as usual, and me - I am holding on to the thoughts about my well-deserved break. But it's still far away... For the last few days I've been trying even harder to find a new job. I rewrote my covering letter, reviewed my cv (again) and registered in some more recruitment websites. I feel powerless in my current situation, and my motivation falls down like a huge waterfall. The good thing is that I don't get stressed so much over the work related stuff, as it was before. I just cannot be bothered. Obviously, I am still a decent employee. But, hopefully, not for long. Changes scare me, and I see huge ones coming pretty soon. Change of place, change of people, change of everyday responsibilities... Nothing stable to hold on to, maybe except from the denim sofa that we take with us wherever we go :) I hope I will gain enough energy before the process begins. So that I could enjoy it, becuase really, I get bored quickly, so I must like changes somehow in the end...
Today once again I discovered what coaching means to me as a coach. Coaching process is challenging, thrilling, overwhelming and... liberating. It liberates me from my fear of failure, from my feeling of weakness, from my lack of confidence, from my low self-esteem. The sense of mutual achievement and satisfaction, and the feeling of being helpful is so precious...
And so I am back. Paris was beautiful. Could it not be? Disneyland was magical, truly amazing. I want to go back... Some pics coming soon. Maybe even a video or two. Actually if I didn't have to write my essay on Islam, I would have some free time and compile one short movie from the whole trip... maybe next week...