Friday, 30 April 2010


The extra long (three days!) weekend is coming, apparently it will be cold and rainy (oh, I remember those May weekends with 30 degrees!), but I don't care anyway, because I caught cold again :( And on top of that, I still haven't finished my essay about Judaism, and right now, after a sleepless (cold-related) night, my brain is not able to create any making sense sentences...
I hope I didn't scare my neighbours with my ill look! ;)


We have new neighbours upstairs!
They came today to say Hello :) Unfortunately I was alone at home and also they haven't settled fully yet, so we decided to catch up altogether a bit later. I really hope we will have a nice time together, it's great to have good neighbours...

Thursday, 29 April 2010


The Economist decided that the map of Europe is pretty old and not relevant anymore... and published their proposition of some changes :) Why like this? You can read their opinion here.


My brother turned 19 yesterday. Lucky dude! Well, probably he wouldn't say so, having a bunch of very imoportant exams in the nearest future... But from my perspective - the best time is just before him!
I spoke to mym Mum tonight and she said that he got a box of home made cookies and cupcakes from the girls from his school... I didn't know he is so popluar! ;) I have to see those sweets, Mum promised she would send me the pictures :)

Thursday, 22 April 2010


I don't care that the air space over Europe was closed, that the flights were cancelled.
This view... this volcano is so beautiful and powerful... so mighty and dangerous. Unstoppable. This is the real world, where human being cannot do anything...

Monday, 19 April 2010


I love the smell of freshly cut grass. Especially near the place where we live. Once you feel that smell, life gains a new perspective :)

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Movies marathon

Yeah, this is how we spent last Saturday. Four movies in one day. Sounds crazy for some, but it was great! I thought my beloved wouldn't get through it, but he really enjoyed it :)
We saw "Clash of the Titans" in 3D, then "Cemetery Junction", then "Dear John" and "The Ghost Writer". All of them were really good, and each one was of a different kind, which made it easier to switch from one story to another. And we also had a proper lunch break in the middle of our programme :)
I think I liked "Dear John" the most. Probably beacuse this story was not so straight-forward and simple and it seems to be when you read its description or watch the trailer...

Clash of the Titans - I have a feeling this will be one of my beloved's favourites of all times... I enjoyed it as well, especially that I used to read a lot about ancient mythology.

Cemetery Junction - everyone who lived once in a small town knows this feeling... a really nice, bright movie, a comedy with some deeper thoughts following... I liked it especially because the story was settled in England in the 70ties :)

Dear John - we liked it a lot. Contrary to expectations, it was not a random romantic comedy/or drama from "American dream" world.

The Ghost Writer - I was very curious of the new movie by Roman Polanski. And I wasn't disappointed, as this is a very good, dark, political thriller.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010


While reading the updates about last Saturday's tragedy, I found interesting articles. One is from The New York Times and the other from The Independent.
The authors have at least slightly bigger distance to the situation, which allows for looking at this event from a certain perspective.
Maybe after the time of mourning, a time for reflection and learning will come? I guess it would be worth to gain a lesson. As a nation, as well as individual citizens, we still have lots and lots to learn...

Another candle...

This one is for one of my dearest friend's father, who passed away on Good Saturday, just before Easter. He lost his battle with cancer, leaving his loved and loving family in deep grief...

Saturday, 10 April 2010


Sometimes things which are so unbelievable that it's impossible to embrace them by human mind happen. Just out of blue. Unexpected and unwanted.
It's hard to enjoy the weekend and the lovely springtime weather in moments like this. It's hard to look at the world around in the same way as an hour ago, because nothing will be the same. And although everyone has to move on after a tragedy, days like this one will be always remembered.

Here's a candle for those who died in a horrible plane crash today in the morning. Not speaking about my personal political likes or dislikes here, because it's not a good time for that. But I am overly deeply in grief.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

New York

When I heard this song for the first time on the radio, somewhere in a shop or maybe in the changing room in my gym, I felt like I was hit by a thunder. Now who can have such amazing voice? Only Alicia.
I think it is with benefit for the song and those who listen, if they listen without watching the video - just listen only, concentrate all your senses on this one. It is worth it.
(but obviously I am not denying that Alicia is a beautiful woman and watching her performance can be equally inspiring and thrilling!)

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Another great book

I start to like Haruki Murakami more than just, let's say, normally - like many other authors. The more his books I read, the more I am sure that he is an extraordinary writer, and he has good chances to become one of my favourites soon...
A couple of days ago I finished "Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World". Massive story, nearly 500 pages, precise and complex structure, fantastic idea for the story and the way it is written... I don't want to reveal too much, maybe I will actually convince you to read it? And if that's the case, I would not like to spoil your adventure with this novel... I will just say that there are two worlds which intertwine, and the deeper the story goes, the more obvious it becomes that the two worlds are actually, somehow, one, belonging to one person... at least that's what I think! Let me know what are your thoughts about the book!

Monday, 5 April 2010


"My Blueberry Nights" is not a high-flight movie, although made by Wong Kar-Wai. It is nice and sweet, but nothing extremely thrilling and overly special. But I guess I must have seen it in a good time, because I absolutely loved it. What I loved the most was fantastic Natalie Portman (one of the best young actresses!) and undeniably cute Jude Law... and "the" kiss. I have a feeling this will be one of the most memorable movie kisses for me :)

Saturday, 3 April 2010

It's Easter!

The last days were busy again, with waking up at 6.00 in the morning, long hours at work, then some more hours at work, then going to the gym despite being tired, and also reading as much and as often as I could... Plus a couple of more psychical and emotional downs on the way... In the end I found myself exhausted. But now it's all over, and I am very happy to have whole four days of holidays and celebrate Easter! :) Doesn't matter that I spent half of this time doing the laundry and doing necessary shopping! :]
But from now on I will have some serious rest :) Just me, my bed, my books, maybe some music and a movie or two. And yummy food :)
I wish I could share this time with my family, but no-one can have everything they want. We had a great time together during Christmas, and also I could see them a few weeks ago for a weekend. I will be waiing for their Easter pictures.
Here, there are few of mine:

Happy Easter everyone!!!