Saturday, 31 October 2009

New first things

Halloween is a weird holiday for me - it seems to me like it has to deeper meaning, a reason to exist. Every holiday I celebrate has its own sense, and its roots grown deep inside the culture and history of the nation or at least the region of the world...
Me and my beloved come from different cultures, but neither of us had celebrated Halloween before. For me much more important are the next two days in the calendar - celebrating All Saints day and praying for all those who are dead.
Anyway, we decided to participate a little in Halloween celebrations this year, just to try something new and fun, and maybe feel the spirit of this weird day ;) We bought our first pumpkin in our lives, and for the first time we carved a scary pumpkin face. We placed a small candle inside, and I must say, it looks... cute :)
I think that whatever the experience is, even if it is as minor as this one, it is good to do new things, for the first time, together.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

A piece of beauty

Strange thing happened on our way back home from the cinema and weekly shopping.
I don't know how can I describe this with a word diifferent than "strange", because this was not normal.
One of the main streets of our town, buses, cars, noise, people walking from or to restaurants, pubs or clubs, Saturday evening city chaos... We are standing on the bus stop and, out of blue, we hear beautiful classical music. It is difficult to locate the source at first. Then we realise than some parts of the building opposite, on the other side of the street, is covered with red material, and there is a speaker hidden in one of the windows. Suddenly, a person appears on the balcony of the building and starts singing - an opera song!
People started to gather around. They were staring and listening, totally mesmerised. Those in cars, in buses or on bikes were turning their heads around.
We decided to stand in cold for about ten minutes instead of taking the first bus home, to be able to listen to the performance. After the lady in black, who was really amazing, there was a man singing two songs, one in Latin and one in English, and then another lady. I wish I had a better phone, soe I could record it...
It was something incredible. A piece of extraordinary beauty in the middle of a random place and time.

Still excited :)

Yesterday and today were our first days in the new gym. I am still excited, there is so much to explore!
Yesterday we just had a random workout and tried out most of the machines. Today we had two classes - half an hour of spinning and then half an hour of tummy exercise, called "Abs blast". Truly exhausting. But I feel good, despite the pain in my tighs ;)
I need a small break, but I'll be back there soon. I just signed up for Aerobics on Tuesday evening!

Friday, 23 October 2009


Yesterday we had a nice evening out together. It's been a while...
We went to see a play in town's library (by the way - the library is huge and awesome, I am signing up as soon as I can!), which was organised by my University. Some time ago I got an email about this event and we even got the tickets for free :)
Anyway, the play was good, it was based on "Educating Rita" by Willy Russell, but with more contemporary interpretation. There was also a band playing music live :)
We both liked it, and I think we have to try out one of the theatres in London now ;)
After the play we had a nice dinner out and a nice walk home. I am happy :)

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Gyyym again!

I am so excited. After long research we made up our minds and signed up to the chosen gym! I can't wait to go there on Friday and start jumping around!
This gym was really the best and the only option we could choose. It has all the facilities we need plus much more. There is a small swimming pool, a steam room, and lots of different classes we can go to!
The best part is - we can get our "sign up" fee back, if we go to the gym three times a week for the first eight weeks (that can be checked, because to enter the gym we have to scan our cards). So not only I can get my money back, but also I will get sooo fit :)))

Monday, 19 October 2009

Moving on

This weekend I have signed up for another course at University - yeay! The time passes by so quickly. It feels like I just started my first course not even a year ago, in January... I had a couple of huge books in front of me and was wondering - how am I going to do this?... And now my last, final essay has been submitted and received by University, and I can wait - impatiently of course - for my final grade.
In the meantime - I take up new challenge ;) If I finish the new course in the end of the next year, I will be awarded with Diploma in Religious Studies :)))
Books for the course have already been ordered as well. Can't wait to dig in. Although, I also have a couple of book-requests to Santa Clause, which might take priority over study books, if I am good enough to find them under Christmas tree...

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Coffee break

Today when I went to our kitchen at work, I saw I. making coffee and for a moment I stood mesmerised... I saw two cups filled with - presumably coffee - and a large amount of whipped cream on top. Next to the cups there was a box of Cadbury's chocolate powder and a bag of mini marshmallows...
Oh yes, this is what we need in the office - a deliciously looking, hot and tasty treat to sweeten up long hours of hard work! Yummy!

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

First snow

Obviously - not in here! Snow at this time of year? Never :) Maybe sometime in April ;)
But it can appear and it did appear in my home country.
This year, once again, winter "surprised" everyone, coming in the middle of autumn ;)
Well, it's cold, but at least it looks nice :)

And it's not better

Well, some time passed and right now, in the early afternoon, I can say that I am not sad anymore - I am extremely upset.
I feel so terrible after listening to the telephone conversation my colleague had with the lady, that I seriously consider writing my resigantion letter. I didn't do anything on purpose, but the reaction of this customer makes me feel so ashamed of this mistake, that I don't know if I can still work here, conscious of this what happened...

From all the other things:
- I didn't buy the present for my friend, the thing I wanted to get was not avaiable in the shop, of course :/
- I also didn't get two other things I had to buy today :/
- I wanted to go to the cinema in the evening to cheer up a bit, but there is literally nothing decent enough to see
- I think it will start pouring down any minute, and I don't have an umbrella, of course :/


Today is not a "happy" day for me. It started actually last night, when after a whole day of hard work my beloved told me he was going to France for two days and he was leaving immediately, because he had a train to Paris at 5 o'clock in the morning. It seems like a hvae another two or three days on my own. "Awesome".
And then, today I read the letter that one lady sent to us (at work) complaining about something what actually I did. The letter made me very said, because obviously I didn't mean to hurt or upset anyone, this was just a simple mistake... Anyway, now I am upset, especially that we cannot do much more about than say "I'm sorry".
What else will this day bring?
I am going for my lunch break now, present-hunting for my friend. I hope this will be more lucky.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Higher and higher

Last weekend I saw "Up", long-awaited 3d animation story by Disney and Pixar. The queque in the cinema was huge.
While the kids from the first row, absolutely mesmerised by the 3d animation (probably the first one they saw in their lives) tried to touch the objects on the screen, I was crying.
I cried at least three times during this movie. Maybe there is something wrong with me, maybe it's this time of the year when the weather is crap and you feel more melancholic, but I couldn't help it. And I am sure there is something more about it, something about the movie itself.
This beautiful, funny and interesting story was also wise - maybe on the level which not every child can reach. I think that the message included not only the words: Go and reach for your dreams, it is never to late to do it and it is always worth trying. I think that the most important and the most memorable picture from this story for me will be the moment when the main character looks into the old Adventure Book again, to discover something he had not seen before. Something that makes him extremely happy and gives him power not to give up. And what made me cry, of course.
I won't write what it was exactly, I don't want to spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it, and maybe feel like having some little crying time in the cinema ;)

Life-long dreams...

...finally become reality!

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Magic spice

Today we were in Polish shop to find some little goodies, and - the most important - special spice, which my Mom uses when she prepares meat (my beloved's favourite "kotlety"). We were not sure what we should buy, so in the end we didn't choose anything (except from awesome bread made from rye flour and one of my favourite yoghurts).
So, when we came back, I had to call Mom and ask her what she uses exactly... Why is this so important? Because the "kotlety" we are going to make have to taste exactly the same like the ones at home. Taste matters ;)

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Nothing lasts forever

This rule applies also to the weather conditions. After three days of rain and darkness - we have sunshine back! It's lovely, although quite cold, you cannot deny it's October...

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Music treat from Sweden

Nina Kinert is from Sweden and if it happened that you actually heard one of her songs, it was probably the one used as a musical background in one of tv commercials. Lovely song by the way.
This one, which I especially like, doesn't have the video, but it is worth listening. Enjoy...


Since the beginning of the week this piece of the world where I am living right now has not seen sunlight. Very depressing. Moreover, the rain is, in my opinion, taking revenge on the previous months, when it was rather absent. I think that if it's not going to stop soon, we will all drown here. My shoes already got too much water today!
I have to try hard to fight with the lack of sun. As for know, I concentrate on English tests for my exam, having naps in between ;)


On Monday I had a meeting with B., the manager of the other department, were I applied for the "fingers-crossed" job... And I didn't get it. I was expecting this, but was also a bit sad. One of my small dreams will have to wait a bit more for its chance to come true. But B. liked my application and generally appreciates my enthusiasm...
And in the afternoon I found out that, unintentionally of course, I caused a complaint and a breach of Data Protection Act :/
I'm a living failure :/

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Forgiven not forgotten

Wounds heal slowly...
Unfortunately these are the wounds that affect not the body, but most of all, the soul.
Words can hurt worse than a knife. And they leave long-lasting stains. The pain isn't easy to wash away, because it's pretty smart. We try really hard to overcome it, and after a while it seems to be gone. But it's hiding, to then out of sudden come back from the depth of our heart and remind us that it's still here...
It's difficult to forgive, when somebody hurts us badly. Yet, if we love, we are able to go on.
But it's much more difficult to forget. Sometimes I guess we don't even have control over it. Some words, just like other things - pictures, views, faces, situations, sounds, smells - stay in our memory for a long time.

Maybe these little "cracks" of pain, sadness or dissapointment could actually build up something positive in a relationship between two people? If they can learn something from their experience and try to change or find a solution not to hurt each other, then probably yes... Then these "cracks" could even bring people closer to each other. But ignorance most probably would lead to falling apart.

Thursday, 1 October 2009


As a part of my coaching process, and because of my recent application for a "I-want-it-so-much-so-fingers-crossed" role, I have to do some research and prepare well for a theoretical job interview.
I found lots of questions, which appear quite often during interviews. My task is to write down my answers to them, in order to be not only well prepared in the future, but also to find out a bit more about myself, recognize my skills, my weaknesses, think about about examples of different kinds of situations, about which the interviewer might ask. And to gain self-confidence :)
It's a difficult and kind of a funny process. I have to find the balance between being extremely honest and the expectations of the interviewer about my answer, hehe.
For example, there is a question if I check my email and voicemail "while on vacation". Of course not. Only if I need to contact my family, or I am expecting a message from them. But, as the online advisor says, it is good to mention that in case of emergencies I would be avaiable, and able to help.
I wonder how many people actually say that kind of things during their interviews. If all of them do, maybe a different answer would be such a surprise that I would get extra points?
For stating that I would never answer a phone call from work during holiday? I don't think so ;)