Tuesday, 30 June 2009
From "first snow" to "first heat"
January - the best thing to remember is the visit of my parents and my brother for short winter holidays, and the graduation ceremony of my beloved, not mentioning the one and only day of snow in here this year! (it might keep its title, I doubt there will be any snow in December...). What needs to be forgotten, is the whole stressful period of our lives, which has finished on the last day of January, when we got the new visa...
February - don't remember much, except from my first tutorial and deep jump into my new studies... I guess it was dark and cold and wet, as usual...
March - a short trip home, yeay! Four whole days of refreshing, relaxing time in the first days of spring and celebrating my sister's birthday - altogether, as we got Schengen visa as well, for a year!
April - Easter, my first holidays spent abroad and without my family. My beloved tried his best to make it good. I remember that on Great Saturday, after blessing the food, we went to this small charity shop and bought a this great desk for my beloved and it made him very happy! Also, this month was our small anniversary - half year of engagement :)
May - always used to be my favorite month :) At the beginning a great one-day trip to Canterbury and Leeds castle. Then there were two awesome rockin' concerts in London (Placebo and Stratovarius) and in the end, my fantastic birthday time and some real sunshine, finally! A couple of evenings at the beach, 5 minutes from our home...
June - waiting for some time to relax finally, after many long days of hard work, hard studying, taking care of the house and my own body as well (it's a huge effort to make to be beautiful!;)). And there they were, ten days of holidays in the second half of June...
And now, after catching with things at work and at home, I am hoping to finish my next essay soon, be able to enjoy the weather, and have a great time on Fuerteventura in less than two months!
Sunday, 28 June 2009
A miracle
I felt it especially recently, when I was going back from my home-holidays. The flight was delayed - in the end it turned out to depart 4 hours later than expected. With my bus and train tickets booked in advance, I was screwed. What's more, I could not even have hope to be on time in London for the last train home, which was at 1am... The vision of spending a night at the railway station, and also involving my beloved into this doubtful pleasure, made me feel really bad, but also powerless...
And, here you go - on the plane, right in the row in front of me there was this young family sitting, with two cute babies (one of them was a newborn I guess). And they offered to take me to my home by their car! Even after I said I had also a huge suitcase with me, they said it would be fine. In the end, they drove me right in front of my house, having a longer way to go themselves, as they are living in a different town...
God bless this lovely couple, and I really hope I will meet J. and E. one day again and I will be able to thank them somehow!
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Precious moments
The example I'm thinking about is leaving family home after some time and going back to your current "home". I never liked going in the early morning, because it makes me stressed and I cannot sleep during the last, usually short night. That's why I'm happy that this time as well, I am going in the afternoon. And tonight is my last night :)
And as usual, the night is short and the evening is long, there is always something else left to talk about with my Mom. Especially that this time she didn't have too much time for me except the last few days.
Whenever my short break, or longer holidays, or Christmas is over and I am about to pack my suitcase and leave, and get back on track of my everyday responsibilities, hard work and little pleasures, I feel the same. It's kind of like standing on the coast of a river, and knowing that you will cross this bridge again. The world on the other side is not bad, and the place I am in right now is not perfect at all. These two sides of the river are just different. And after being a while on the side, where you can be a bit more relaxed and carefree, without the burden of everyday work, it is a bit difficult to cross the bridge... But, knowing myself, a couple of weeks would be enough for me to go crazy and run through the bridge to my duties, my studies, my very "own" place and life...
Anyway, the interesting thing is that I know these feelings so well, and I know exactly when they are going to happen again, and still, I can never control them. They always overwhelm me. There are things stronger than our consciousness and our will, I am sure of that.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
On Sunday afternoon
We saw a video of a girl shot by a security guard, who was standing on a roof with a rifle. She was not even protesting, just watching the crowd. She was shot straight into her heart and the doctor who tried to save her life and actually posted the video, wrote that she died in 2 minutes. Although there will be a stream of blood, I hope this blood brings victory to those people who want freedom and justice.
The general strike in whole Iran is being prepared, and people from around the world get involved into helping Iranian nation to become a democratic society. I cannot do much more than pray and spread the news I spot...
In here - a small, far-away place from these events - I had a good time with my beloved, who came to my homeplace for a 3-days' break. Tomorrow in the early morning he's leaving, and I'm staying for 4 more days of holidays. I hope those will be better than the ones before, as the weather was terrible and my friends were busy, so I spent most of the time alone, sitting at home, and freezing (no central heating in so-called summer...). At least I have my study book with me, but I am not in the mood for reading about witches - I was prepared to relax and have fun, finally. But it's not bad, it's still being at home instead of going to work:) And I will make it better :)
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Open Letter to the World
This the letter written by Iranian Artists in exile:
Another peaceful demonstration is organized today by Mousavi and his supporters. Police is on every street of Tehran. International media are not allow to report or record anything from Iran.
Mousavi calls day of mourning for Iran dead
In Brussels Marjane Satrapi and Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Iranian film directors, showed documents proving that the elections were fake.
euronews.net about the conference in Brussels
The Pirate Bay changed its name to Persian Bay:

Protests against fake results of elections are organized all around the world - in Sweden, Italy, Germany, USA, India, Dubai and Malaysia.
Reuters - pictures from different cities around the world
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
About the violence in Iran
Amnesty International
At least 7 people were murdered during Monday manifestations agains tyranny in Tehran.
France, Germany and Britain have led an EU campaign to persuade Iran to clarify the election results. Iran on Tuesday summoned a Czech diplomat, representing the EU, to protest against "interventionist and insulting" EU statements.
New York Times about current situation
Reuters - article about today's manifestation
Two worlds
So, here I am, finally at home, on my summer time of relaxation and fun... It's good to see my family and friends (those - very soon!), it's good to see familiar places. Yet, my thoughts run away to Iran and people protesting against tyranny. People being beaten up, attacked by police, murdered. Those who gave their lives, and those who are not afraid to risk them to fight for freedom.
After brutal acts of violence by Iranian security forces during the protest march yesterday, today people were scared to go out. But they finally did, marching in silence. Foreign media were banned to report any news from Iran, it is more difficult to find any pictures and videos. Those sent to facebook and twitter are nearly the only source of information. Iranian government turned off mobile connection and blocked many websites. My beloved cannot contact his family...
A couple of pictures from yesterday:Student attacked by police at Sunday night in bursary at University of Shiraz.
On Monday not thousands, but millions of people went out to protest against fake results of elections.
Police used violence against civilians.
Monday, 15 June 2009
Walk in the sunshine
And today, my suitcases are packed, and in the afternoon I am off to the airport, to start my first part of summer holidays... Will be missing my beloved, although he joins me in a couple of days...
Sunday, 14 June 2009
I'm praying for the revolution
It's high time to happen, as it happened in Poland in 80ies, after nearly half century of lies, injustice and the absolute lack of freedom. Acquired not without victims, blood, scream, terrible fear. But at some point, frustration reaches its highest level and there is nothing that can stop a human being from raging against humiliating dictatorship. There is nothing that couldn't be sacrified, because there is nothing left to live for in the country where holding your girlfriend's hand on the street means the risk of being arrested.
While we are safe in here, we are observing steadily what happens in Tehran. Those people cannot give up. The world is watching them and they have to show the power of human rage against tyranny.
CNN news about the situation in Iran
Reuters about Iran
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
All my hopes are in my holidays, which start in five days! Maybe I will get some sunlight and warmth, I feel that I really need it...
And if everything goes fine, I will be able to finally see a few of my friends! Already got in touch with two of them, and today I got a message from another one, saying that she's going to be near my home place in the end of June... I haven't seen her since we first met, which was nearly three years ago! We even shared a room for two weeks back then :)
I wish I could also visit a very "old" friend of mine (we know each other for about eight years now), who will become a mommy in July, but it's too far for me... unfortunately public transport in my home country is not as well-developed as here yet, and my journey to her place by train would take a whole day :/
Sunday, 7 June 2009
About the wedding plans: I read that to be married in Catholic Church (which I was willing to do) with a person that is not baptized, I need a special dispensation from my bishop. That is because when marrying a non-Christian I cannot promise that I will raise my children in Catholic faith, as my husband has the same rights to decide about the values and beliefs we will share with our babies in the future. What's more, because of that "disability" in this kind of marriage, eventually it won't be treated as a relationship in sacrament anyway. So what is the point? Can't any priest just give us a blessing? Or maybe we are just not worth it? And who is to decide about it?
I appreciate the religious studies, which give me wider perspective to look at some problems...
Another thing about the wedding plans: apparently one year is not enough to make solid preparations and organize a dream-wedding. My beloved proposed to change the date to 2011. That gives us much more time to think about - how to get the money for the wedding, how to deal with formal problems, and whether we really want to get married...
About everyday life: I just realized it's 8 days to go home for some very much deserved holidays! I hope the weather will be fine and I will be able to relax a bit... Excluding my current fear of flying, it should be perfect :]
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Yesterday also we found out that our marriage won't be approved and valid in by beloved's country of birth, unless I change my religion and, as a result of this religious marriage, receive actually new nationality, with all the "advantages" included. We called two Embassies and the Home Office, but that didn't change our situation.
Making a happy face when playing a very unfair game is difficult, but there is nothing else we can do. So we try to cheer up each other, because only together we can be strong. At the end of the day, we are not the first and last couple who has a problem like this. And when it comes to choose, it's better to be married in a way which is not valid for them, as we both don't care about this country anyway, than to get involved into rules, traditions and beliefs we do not accept...
So today on my way home I bought some strawberries for my beloved and I was thanking God for us not being the ones that were flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris and probably sleeping, when in the early morning (GMT) their lives were suddenly over.